William Sanger was mentioned or featured in the following newspaper and magazine articles, in addition to the articles above:

  • His exhibit at the Touchstone Gallery was reviewed in The New York Times, November 9, 1919.

“He works seriously in a modern rather than ‘modernist’ manner, paying attention to his volumes of color… and all his architectural subjects strike an authentic note. His color is steely and harsh, apparently true to the spirit of the country, and there is strength in his association of lines.”

  • Sanger was the subject of an interview in The New York Call Magazine, November 9, 1919 by Harold Hersey.
  • His Spanish paintings were the subject of an article in The American Magazine of Art, June 1921.

“He has painted the grim lands and gray architecture of old Spain in the same fluent mood that he brought to the presentment of the storm-shifting sands of Cape Cod, Mass. He is free and modern in spirit without being aggressively modernist in method.  His paintings evidence that he has fallen under the same spell which that ancient country cast over El Greco, Goya and Zuloaga.”

  • “Mother and Child” and “Lighthouse at Gannet Rock” were featured in The Brooklyn Museum Quarterly, 1930. The reviewer stated:

“William Sanger who is a practicing architect, gives a personal conception of the old, old Mother and Child theme. It is a Mother and Child that is alive and vitalized by rich color, and which realizes an individual conception with convincing artistry.. This is perhaps the outstanding painting in the group contributed by Mr. Sanger.”

  • His exhibit at Delphic Studios was featured in an article in Art News, April, 18 1931.
  • “Coal Bunker” from the Delphic Studios Exhibit was in the New York Evening Post April 18, 1931.
  • “Mehitabet” was featured in Art Digest Magazine, May 1, 1931, which mentioned favorable reviews in the Sun, the Times, and the Herald Tribune.
  • “The Scrubwoman” was featured in the American Magazine of Art, Feb 1936, Vol. 29, p. 115.
  • “Surf” was featured in The Brooklyn Museum Quarterly, April 1937.
  • “City of Vigo, Spain”, from 1917 was in Art News, February 5, 1942.
  • His exhibit at the Touchstone Gallery was the subject of an article in The American Art Student.

Explore additional coverage of William Sanger in The New York Times’  online archive:

The following are transcriptions of pre 1922 articles from The New York Times:

News Archive